
Budget Plans

Sippin Energy provides a variety of payment options to fit your budget or busy lifestyle. Payments can be made online, over the phone or over the counter at our office in Monroe. Payments can also be made automatically by EFT from your checking or savings account, or by automatically billing your credit card. No matter what the method, you will always receive a detailed statement showing your account activity.

Barber Oil Company

About the Sippin Energy EasyPay Budget Plan

We wanted to take this opportunity to outline some of the important features and benefits of your budget plan to help you better understand how it works.

  • The EasyPay budget plan is not a contract
    It is a payment convenience plan. Because most of your heating fuel costs occur during a few short winter months, it can cause some financial strain during those months, especially around the holidays. Your EasyPay Budget Plan simply spreads those costs over the entire year, resulting in smaller more consistent payments.
  • There is no cost for the EasyPay Budget Plan
    The EasyPay Budget Plan is provided free of charge, there are no enrollment fees or interest charges. In fact if your budget account has a credit balance at any time, we will actually pay you interest.
  • The EasyPay Budget Plan does NOT provide fuel price protection
    Because your EasyPay Budget Plan is a payment convenience plan, it does not provide fuel price protection, such as a capped or fixed price contract.
  • You can add price protection to your budget plan at any time
    You can enroll in price protection at any time of the year, not just when you’re EasyPay Budget Plan begins. You can enroll in price protection online, through one of our customer care agents over the telephone or at our office. We strongly recommend the SmartCap Plan, which provides price protection from rising prices, but will also insure you get a lower price, if fuel prices drop. If you are already on our EasyPay Budget Plan, there is a 5 cent per gallon discount on any price protection plan.
  • Auto Bill Pay Available
    To add further convenience, you can take advantage of our auto bill pay program for your EasyPay Budget Plan. With this plan, your checking account or credit card will automatically be charged each month for your budget payment.
  • There are some charges NOT covered by your EasyPay Budget Plan
    The EasyPay Budget Plan covers fuel and service plan costs. Any other charges will be itemized on your monthly EasyPay statement as CHARGES NOT COVERED BY YOUR BUDGET PLAN. The most common non-covered charge would be a service charge for something NOT covered by your service plan.
  • Your EasyPay Budget Plan
    During the budget term, there are several factors that may alter the total annual costs such as increased fuel usage or changes in fuel price. These changes may result in an change of your budget payment amount. Our goal is always to have the EasyPay Budget Plan reach a zero balance at the end of the term. If you have a price protection contract, your budget payment will most likely not change, in fact with our SmartCap plan, it may even go down.The only factor that could result in an increased budget payment amount with a price contract is if the gallons contracted for were less than what was needed.In that case, the additional fuel needed would have to be factored in an adjusted payment amount.
  • Notification of any change
    if you’re EasyPay Budget Plan payment needs to be increased or decreased; we will notify you in writing. Again, our goal is always to reach a zero balance at the end of the budget term and avoid having a large debit balance.
  • You can manage your budget account online
    We have introduced many new tools on our customer management website that will help you manage your EasyPay Budget Plan account. We now have a new webpage entitled My Budget Account which provides a detailed breakdown of your EasyPay Budget Plan.