
Propane Tanks

Tank Sizing Options

Propane tanks vary in size and dimension depending upon the application or uses.  Small applications such as space heaters, or cooking can utilize a smaller tank such as a 60 gallon or 120 gallon tank.  Higher usage applications such as heating, hot water use require larger  tanks from 250 gallon or larger.  Customers who take advantage of larger tanks will enjoy less frequent deliveries and lower prices on fuel.  Sippin Energy also offers electronic tank monitoring for heating and hot water customers at no additional charge. Here are examples of different tank options available.

Tank Capacity (Gallons) Style Height Width
60 Vertical 40" 24"
120 Vertical 52" 30"
120 Horizontal 5'7" 24"
250 Horizontal 7'8" 30"
320 Horizontal 9'6" 30"
500 Horizontal 10' 37"
1000 Horizontal 15'10" 41"
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Above ground or buried underground

Above ground tanks are much easier to install. Components on these tanks are readily accessible for testing and service. When necessary the above ground tank can be removed, replaced or relocated. The above ground propane tank is easier to find and fill in deep snow. Buried propane tanks do not get as cold as above ground tanks in severe winter weather. Therefore a buried propane tank will have more vaporized propane available on a cold winter night than an above ground tank of the same size. It could be difficult to find and fill a buried tank in deep snow.



Proper Sizing

Must be the proper size for the amount of propane consumed (per hour). Factors that are considered when sizing a proper tank for a building are:

  • Size and type of the tank
  • Capacity
  • Horizontal or Vertical
  • One or more tanks tied together
  • The effective system load (btu/hr needed for propane appliances)
  • The anticipated cold temperature
  • If the tank is buried, this is not as much of a factor
  • The anticipated degree of difficulty in making a timely propane delivery. For example, is the building in a remote location that cannot be accessed in bad weather?
  • DOT vs ASME

Types of containers

There are two types of propane containers. DOT (Department of Transportation) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). There are differences and similarities.

  • DOT
    • Cylinders require re-inspection in 12 years.
    • Cylinders can be transported while full of propane.
    • DOT cylinders cannot be buried.
  • ASME
    • No re-inspection requirements. Does not expire.
    • Tanks must be filled on the jobsite. Cannot transport full ASME tanks.
    • ASME tanks can be buried
    • Similar container sizes
    • Same pressure relief valves
    • Same valves & fittings
    • Purchase or rental