
Heating Fuel Tanks

 Indoor & Buried Tank Volume Chart

Indoor Tank Installation

There are literally dozens of configurations of indoor tanks available to fit the needs of different types of building structures however the common ones consist of either 275 tanks or 330 gallon tanks. These are rather thin, oval shaped tanks that provide safe and economical indoor storage. Double-walled tanks, such as the Schutz Tank system are also available and provide the added security of a double-wall containment system. Most towns allow for tandem installations doubling capacity to either 550 or 660 gallons. Tanks are installed by licensed heating installers in accordance to current BOCA mechanical code guidelines. Tanks are inspected and pressure tested to insure leak-free installations. All indoor tanks provided by Sippin Energy Products are UL listed in a minimum thickness of 12 gauge steel. They are also painted with a corrosion resistant coating for extended life.




Tank Dimensions

275 Gallon Tank 330 Gallon Tank
Height: Approx 5′
Depth: 27″
Width: 60″
Height: Approx 5′
Depth: 27″
Width: 72″


Above Ground Oil Tanks


If there is no alternative, and a tank needs to be installed outdoors, or in an unconditioned space, we strongly recommend a cold weather installation piping system to ensure reliable cold weather operation.



Heating Fuel begins to cloud (the fuel becomes opaque from the formation of small wax crystals) at about 20° above zero. In addition, high viscosity fuel caused by cold temperature has an adverse affect on burner performance causing the burner to run inefficiently and unreliably. We recommend piping with large diameter steel insulated fuel line (as opposed to small OD copper tubing), the use of a large capacity oil filter, and the installation of a fuel de-aeration device such as a Tiger Loop® see illustrationto the right. Outdoor tanks should also be enclosed and insulated whenever possible. Bottom feed valves should never be used on outdoor oil tanks, or tanks in unconditioned spaces. Additionally, Sippin Energy also adds a Pour-Point Depressant to any fuel delivered to an unconditioned space. This fuel additive aids in cold weather performance by keeping wax crystals from blocking the systems fuel filter. To run reliably in cold weather, all or several of the above mentioned modifications may need to be implemented.

Vent Alarm Information

Every above ground oil tank should be equipped with a vent alarm system. This is a simple device installed inside your oil tank where air is vented. The vent alarm emits a audible whistle while the tank is being filled. When the oil level reaches (and covers) the bottom of the vent alarm, it stops whistling, there by alerting the delivery man that the tank is full, and to shut down.

Why do vent alarms malfunction?

On occasion, vent alarms may become obstructed with debris or bacteria. When this happens, the oil delivery driver will not be able to safely fill your oil tank. When this happens, we will notify you immediately so the vent alarm can be repaired. Vent alarms can often be cleaned, but on occasion need to be replaced. Insects that build nests in vent pipes cause debris to fall into the vent alarm, however a more common failure is caused by bacterial build-up in the vent alarm. If an oil tank is old (20 + years) it may contain significant amounts of bacterial sediment. In this case, a new tank system may be recommended.

Here is a great video that illustrates how vent alarms function

Transfer Of Old Fuel

Homeowners wishing to replace their fuel tanks often ask if the old fuel in their existing tank can be transferred to the new tank. Sippin Energy Products does not do this, and strongly recommends against this practice for a number of reasons. First of all, pumping fuel from one tank to another requires specialized pumping equipment, and intermediary tank, and a mechanism for filtering the fuel. This process adds considerable labor cost to any tank installation job. More importantly, the pumping process even if filtered, does not prevent bacterial he contaminated fuel from being transferred into the new tank. If a tank is over 10 years old, the bottom may contain a significant amount of water and sediment which often harbors sludge causing bacteria. A certain amount of this water and bacteria will also be dissolved into the fuel itself, and would be transferred to the new fuel tank, which would be quickly contaminated with bacteria. The bacteria would result in sludge formation which would then clog will filters, strainers, and nozzles.  If the tank is leaking badly, and an emergency replacement is necessary, Sippin Energy would enlist the services of a waste oil/remediation company the pump the oil out of the tank, where it would be legally disposed of (it cannot be re-sold as heating fuel).  If a fuel tank has a very minor leak (non-dripping), it may be advisable at the (homeowner’s discretion), to delay the tank installation and burn the remaining amount of fuel in the tank, or at least lower the level significantly.

Tank Removal & Abandonment

Underground Tank Installation

Contrary to popular belief, underground tanks can be installed provided certain guidelines are followed. The only tanks most towns generally allow are cathodic protected steel tanks, which are also referred to as STIP 3 Tanks. These tanks are treated with an epoxy resin coating and also provide cathodic protection via a zinc anode attached to the tank. Electrical leads attached to the zinc anode give the homeowner the facility to test the anode periodically to make sure that it is functioning. Fiber glass tanks are also allowed, although they are more costly and more difficult to install.

Underground tank testing

There are several types of underground tank testing available. The type of testing provided by Sippin Energy Products is referred to as TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons). Sippin Energy Products provides this type of test because it is in fact a soil test which will accurately indicate if any discharge, past or present, has occurred on the site. This test is done by boring or extracting soil samples and lab analyzing the soil samples. Results are indicated in PPM or parts per million.