Home » Heating & Cooling Products and Services » Fuel Tanks » Underground Tank Removal
Sippin Energy Products provides a full range of tank removal services by our own qualified staff of expert excavators. We also provide additional resources to provide tank abandonment, soil testing and remediation if needed.
In circumstances where the tank is completely inaccessible from the surface, foam filling may be an option. Although this is a more costly option it provides an opportunity to fill the tank without completely excavating the top of the tank itself.
Two basic types of tanks can be installed to facilitate modern, safe heating fuel storage:
Contrary to popular belief, underground tanks can be installed provided certain guidelines are followed. The only tanks most towns generally allow are cathodic protected steel tanks, which are also referred to as STIP 3 Tanks. These tanks are treated with an epoxy resin coating and also provide cathodic protection via a zinc anode attached to the tank. Electrical leads attached to the zinc anode give the homeowner the facility to test the anode periodically to make sure that it is functioning. Fiber glass tanks are also allowed, although they are more costly and more difficult to install.
Visit our tank installation web page for information regarding new tank installations.